Monday, February 24, 2014

What I've Learned...

William- Sun Wu Kong- He sat for days, staring at the sky. His mother was a rock and his dad was the wind.

Belle- Ra- Created mankind from his tears.

Sidney L.- Thor- Killed by a giant serpent, dressed in a wedding dress to get his hammer back.

Ethan- Odin- Died from Loki's wolf.

Rosie- Loki- Killed Balder with mistletoe.

Cassie- Balder- Killed by Loki's mistletoe dart.

Roseanna- Set- Had canoe race with Horus in order to rule all of Egypt.

Caleb- Jade Emperor- Born human, became immortal, then turned into a god.

Jamie- Apollo- Horse helps drag sun across the sky, whilst pulling his chariot.

Tom- Coyote- Created the human race with the help of Raven.

Kelsey- Horus- Sometimes takes form in a lion's body.

Sydney B.- Osiris- Drowned and chopped into 14 pieces by Set. 

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