Monday, February 24, 2014

What I've Learned...

William- Sun Wu Kong- He sat for days, staring at the sky. His mother was a rock and his dad was the wind.

Belle- Ra- Created mankind from his tears.

Sidney L.- Thor- Killed by a giant serpent, dressed in a wedding dress to get his hammer back.

Ethan- Odin- Died from Loki's wolf.

Rosie- Loki- Killed Balder with mistletoe.

Cassie- Balder- Killed by Loki's mistletoe dart.

Roseanna- Set- Had canoe race with Horus in order to rule all of Egypt.

Caleb- Jade Emperor- Born human, became immortal, then turned into a god.

Jamie- Apollo- Horse helps drag sun across the sky, whilst pulling his chariot.

Tom- Coyote- Created the human race with the help of Raven.

Kelsey- Horus- Sometimes takes form in a lion's body.

Sydney B.- Osiris- Drowned and chopped into 14 pieces by Set. 

Friday, February 14, 2014


The resolution to my myth is when Freya finds Od, under a flowering myrtle. 


The climax of this Norse myth about Freya, is when Od leaves Freya, and she gets really sad, and upset so  she cries tears that melt into stones and become gold, and when the tears hit the water, they turn to translucent amber. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The conflict of my myth is, well, I can't find my husband! And in most situations, that  can be an issue. Because who knows where they could wander off to! He could have gone a much worse route than he did, but thank the Gods he didn't, because I don't know what I would have done without my Oddypoo!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My husband, Od, really likes his space. He always wanders and sometimes even gets lost! Haha! Some people say that he leaves because he has other lovers. But hey! who knows! I get lonely when he goes away. Once, I went looking for him, and stumbled upon some dwarves, and they had this necklace, ya see. And I really really wanted it. So I may or may not have slept with them....
I, Freya, am a Norse goddess. I am from Scandinavian origin. I am a beautiful warrior maiden. I am queen of the Valkyries, and I get the first pick of souls from those whom were slain in battle.


While I was looking for my husband, the crazy guy was wandering and got lost again! I traveled to the four corners of the earth. Some were nice and warm, others were frigid and cold. Brrrr. It was in one of these cold lands that I caught frostbite, if it weren't for those dwarves, I don't know what I would've done! Probably died, I guess. Well, I didn't! Haha!